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Zero G SoundSense Series - Trance Inducer 舞曲素材
Zero G SoundSense Series - Trance Inducer 舞曲素材

商品所在地:黑龙江 哈尔滨


软音源/Zero G
1:Big Fish Audio Dread Roots Reggae 1 DVD最新瑞格舞节奏库 (5元)
2:YY012音乐后期制作套餐Waves9臭氧Ozone Melodyne AutoTune+教程 (10元)
3:Big Fish Audio The Crate Ultimate Urban Samples WAV NKI 素材 (5元)
4:BigFish Audio G-Strings RnB 素材 (5元)
5:Big.Fish.Audio Neo Soul Vol 2 Smooth and Soulful RNB 素材 (5元)
6:Big Fish Audio Kings of the South 素材 (5元)
7:Big.Fish.Audio.Street.Stylin 1CD (5元)
8:Big.Fish.Audio.Straight.Outta东海岸嘻哈素材.1dvd (5元)
9:Ueberschall Elastik Drums 音乐制作鼓节奏音色库 (5元)
10:Ueberschall Rock Ballads 摇滚民谣音色库 (6元)