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Infinite Skills - Learning Maya 2012

Infinite Skills - Learning Maya 2012

价格:¥10 - - 所属类目:电脑软件

3ds Max 2010 Lighting and Rendering with mental ray

3ds Max 2010 Lighting and Rendering with mental ray

价格:¥10 - - 所属类目:民族乐器其它

DT-Using HDR Images for 3D Lighting in Maya

DT-Using HDR Images for 3D Lighting in Maya

价格:¥10 - - 所属类目:电脑软件

Escape Studios-Texturing with Maya

Escape Studios-Texturing with Maya

价格:¥10 - - 所属类目:电脑软件

Creating Game Characters with Maya 2011 and ZBrush 4

Creating Game Characters with Maya 2011 and ZBrush 4

价格:¥9.9 - - 所属类目:电脑软件

Eat3D-Creating a Realistic Portrait in Maya(建立真实肖像)

Eat3D-Creating a Realistic Portrait in Maya(建立真实肖像)

价格:¥10 - - 所属类目:电脑软件

Escape Studios-Nuke for 3D Artists(6G)

Escape Studios-Nuke for 3D Artists(6G)

价格:¥15 - - 所属类目:电脑软件

3D Total-Lighting La Salle(3DSMax,Vray 室内照明)

3D Total-Lighting La Salle(3DSMax,Vray 室内照明)

价格:¥6 - - 所属类目:电脑软件

3D Total Introduction To V-Ray - 3DSMax + V-Ray

3D Total Introduction To V-Ray - 3DSMax + V-Ray

价格:¥6 - - 所属类目:电脑软件
