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Weapons of the Card Shark 1 - Jeff Wessmiller
Weapons of the Card Shark 1 - Jeff Wessmiller


1:万变 牌盒出物 Ray Roch - The Impossible Box (2元)
2:价值175美金的舞台魔术教学 丝巾跳舞 John Calvert - Casper (5元)
3:2014 下坠N计划 DropN Project by Michael Eaton (2元)
4:2010 近景魔术集 Gaetan Bloom - Bloomeries(1-2) (4元)
5:2013 念力自爆魔术教学 气球漂浮 Brad Addams - Halo (3元)
6:掌中火梁朝伟冷火魔术漂浮的火道具自制近景舞台教学视频教程 (2元)
7:【唇间De艺术】魔术表演台词的精髓 by Harry Allen(中文翻译) (5元)
8:牌叠瞬入牌盒魔术教学 Steve Bedwell - Reboxed (3元)
9:纸牌魔术教学 Dan and Dave - Alex Pandrea - Hollywood (3元)
10:幽默舞台魔术教学 Jeff Hobson - Hobson Exposed (2.5元)