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2014 单手洗牌 Vernon One-Hand Table Shuffle by Dan and Dave
2014 单手洗牌 Vernon One-Hand Table Shuffle by Dan and Dave


魔术教学/2014 单
1:2014 大师的奇迹找牌 Her Majestys Spell by Dani DaOrtiz (2元)
2:2014 强效扑克魔术 Follow the Leader by Roberto Giobbi (2元)
3:2014 扑克魔术 Kuffy Break by Patrik Kuffs (2元)
4:2015 Dan and Dave 我们的魔术 Our Magic by Paul Wilson (2元)
5:2015 Ellusionist 控制之下 Under Control by Luke Dancy (2元)
6:2015 E公司 硬币鬼才 Misbehavin by Kainoa Harbottle (2元)
7:2015 Kozmomagic 牌在杯下 Card Under Glass by Doc Eason (2元)
8:2015 SM Something Out of the Ordinary by Nicholas Lawrence (2元)
9:2015 SM发行 Konnected by Morgan Strebler 经典人体漂浮效果 (2元)
10:2015 信封变牌 Manila by Julio Montoro and Undermagic (2元)