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精装好领导可以教出来Leadership Can Be Taught
精装好领导可以教出来Leadership Can Be Taught

商品所在地:广东 广州


1:精装共赢The Keystone Advantage by Marco Iansiti (298元)
2:精装Juice:TheCreativeFuelThatDrivesWorld-ClassInventors (238元)
3:精装富裕的大众Mass Affluence by Paul Nunes (288元)
4:精装远见Seeing Whats Next:用变革理论预测产业未来 (288元)
5:精装预测未来,预防不测Predictable Surprises by Max H.Bazerman (258元)
6:精装竞争的未来The Future of Competition C·K·普拉哈拉德 (338元)
7:精装从核心扩张Beyond the Core by Chris Zook (278元)
8:精装哈佛经典系列沟通术Failure to Communicate (238元)
9:精装政治财富The Politics of Fortune by Jeffrey E. Garten (238元)
10:精装连接点Connecting the Dots by Cathleen Benko (328元)