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哈佛商业系列绿色经营Going Green
哈佛商业系列绿色经营Going Green

商品所在地:广东 广州


1:精装原版Accounting and Management会计和管理 (338元)
2:Ideology and National Competitiveness意识形态与国家竞争力 (298元)
3:精装原版Clash of Cultures文化冲突by约瑟夫·A·雷林 (298元)
4:精装哈佛商学院Competition in Global Industries全球产业竞争 (338元)
5:精装原版Dynamics of Taking Charge 约翰·加巴罗 (388元)
6:微妙的实验Delicate Experiment:Harvard Business School (988元)
7:哈佛商业经典评论Managing the Resource Allocation Process (128元)
8:精装掌握隐循环Mastering the Hype Cycle 杰基·芬恩Jackie Fenn (258元)
9:精装Retire Retirement by Tamara Erickson (168元)
10:精装跨越鸿沟Crossing the Divide by Todd L. Pittinsky (298元)