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3DTotal Training Maya Series: V1
3DTotal Training Maya Series: V1

商品所在地:广东 广州


1:Maya Modeling Techniques: Automotive(汽车建模技术教程) (10元)
2:UV Mapping Workflows in Maya(UV贴图流程教程) (15元)
3:Animation Layers in Maya(Maya动画层教程) (10元)
4:Motorcycle Modeling Techniques in Maya(摩托车建模教程) (10元)
5:Ultimate Fluids(Maya终极流体效果) (10元)
6:Introduction to Dynamics in Maya (动力学简介) (10元)
7:Character Setup (Rigging) in Maya(角色骨胳设置教程) (10元)
8:Introduction to Animation in Maya(动画入门教程) (9元)
9:Exaggerated Facial Expressions in ZBrush and Maya面部表情 (10元)
10:maya2013简体中/英文版最新软件 送16G maya大风暴视频教程 (5元)