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Assembly Automation and Product Design / Boothroyd
Assembly Automation and Product Design / Boothroyd

商品所在地:河南 洛阳


1:Operations and Supply Chain Management /Jacobs/Chase (52元)
2:The Hardball Handbook: How to Win at Life /Matthews (18元)
3:CrunchTime: Civil Procedure, Fifth Edition /Emanuel (18元)
4:Systems Thinking, Systems Practice /Checkland (24元)
5:Schuldrecht Besonderer Teil: Vertragliche /Greiner (18元)
6:Trends and Issues in Instructional Design and Technology 3rd (48元)
7:e-Learning and the Science of Instruction /Mayer/Clark (20元)
8:The College Application Essay: All-New Fifth Edition / McGin (18元)
9:Bank Lending /Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (24元)
10:International Political Economy (5th) /Thomas Oatley (50元)